The Pyre of Yesterday - A Diary

As I embark on this my second trip to India, I have decided to keep a diary of my travels. The words that I record here are my attempt to capture the essence of each day before it is reduced to ash on the pyre of yesterday. And so I gather what remains illuminated in the dying embers, before it becomes mere dust. Sifting through hot ash with my bare hands, I bring forth what may come.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Silent Meditation Retreat

 Saturday, December 11th

I am in Tiruvannamalai, and today I enter into a ten day silent meditation retreat.  I will not be able to go online for the duration of this retreat and so it will be some time before my next entry. I am already lagging behind by two weeks, so there will be a lot of catching up to do. 

I wonder even as I write these words I wonder what impact this experience will have upon me. I hope to gain a deeper understanding of myself and perhaps realize some lasting transformation. But  this is yet to be seen.

To all of you who read these pages, I want to express my gratitude, as it is your presence that keeps me engaged in this process of journaling my experience. 

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